We catch the sun, we collect the rain and we recycle everything else. PS. Our kitchen garden is organic!
At umSisi House 'going green' is considered to be extremely important and we have done everything possible to ensure we score highly on the green front. To date, we have implemented the following systems to reduce our carbon foot print:
- solar power to supply all of our hot water needs
- spring-water storage tanks
- rainwater water collection for irrigation purposes
- planting trees in our indigenous forest to offset the carbon footprint of those who choose to stay with us
- recycling all household and garden waste
- implementing a zero food wastage policy
- establishment of a worm farm to supply compost for our kitchen garden
- installation of rainbow lights (skylights) in all dark corners of the house to allow natural light to enter
- phasing out standard light bulbs and replacing them with energy-savers as fast as technology in South Africa allows
You can support our initiatives further, and help offset your own carbon footprint, by buying your own tree to plant in our indigenous forest.
Tips for going green before you leave home:
Make sure you travel green by making your home as eco-friendly as possible while you're away!
- turn your hot water system / geyser off while you're away
- turn off and unplug all your appliances, such as TVs, computers etc as they can use up as much as 40 watts per hour even when they're off
- if you subscribe to newspapers, stop your subscription for the time you're away